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Minggu, 05 April 2015

Cerita dibalik lagu Bring Me The Horizon - Don't Go

fakta mengejutkan dari lagu Bring Me The Horizon yang berjudul Don't Go. Ternyata lagu itu dibuat tidak hanya sekedar ingin saja. Tapi saya menemukan sebuah artikel yang mengatakan bahwa lagu itu dibuat berdasarkan cerita fakta yang menurut saya tragis sekali. saya mengetahui itu saat saya nggak sengaja tersesat disebuah blog yang postingannya wow wow wow binggittss… (lebay-nya keluar deh).

Tidak mau bicara banyak-banyak lagi. Berikut fakta yang saya dapatkan dari hasil nyontek blog keren tersebut.

Seorang anak laki-laki bernama Terry Hurst (17 tahun) yatim piatu yang mengalami kesulitan belajar . Dibunuh oleh tiga orang temannya yang menipu untuk mengajaknya berkemah . ditengah jalan mereka berhenti . meletakkan plastik kekepalanya . dan dalam keadaan tidak berdaya mereka menyerangnya dengan dua sabit sebanyak 60 kali . setelah itu menginjak, membenamkan kepalanya ketanah . Seorang jemaat gereja remaja menemukannya dengan sabit pertanian 5 kali tertanam di kepalanya setelah dibunuh oleh tiga teman-teman selama ekspedisi berkemah. Dua  anak laki-laki 17 tahun dan seorang gadis 16 tahun, yang tidak bisa disebutkan namanya karena usia mereka, mengakui pembunuhan ketika mereka muncul di Pengadilan Crown Sheffield kemarin. dan dihukum seumur hidup . Mr Hardy mengatakan: "Mereka tidak terpengaruh oleh obat-obatan, meskipun mereka telah banyak minum bir. Ini adalah kemungkinan mereka kata-kata, mengambil minuman dan sabit kemudian membunuh Terry. Kami tidak tahu mengapa Mereka tidak memberitahu kami...
sampai saat ini tidak ada yang tau apa tujuan mereka melakukan pembunuhan itu .
Dan salah satu pembunuh itu adalah sepupu Oliver Sykes.

(terjemahkan sesuai bahasa yang diinginkan dengan mengganti opsi bahasa pada 'google translate' yang ada di pojok kanan atas)

The teenagers inflicted more than80 wounds on the 17-year-old during a camping trip at Broomhead Reservoir, near Sheffield, on July 19, last year.
The trio of killers left the largest scythe embedded in Mr Hurst's neck.
Mr Justice Andrew Smith said: "Your offence was chilling. You found him in a tent and set about him mercilessly. He couldn't escape."
The court heard how during the camping trip the trio had dragged Mr Hurst out of his tent wearing just his boxer shorts and socks.
They dropped bricks on him and stamped repeatedly on his head.
Prosecutor Peter Kelson said: "His head had been stamped literally into the ground leaving a discernible, measurable impact on the ground.
"He was found wtih the metal blade of the large scythe through his neck and up into his head and left there."
Mr Hurst, who was fostered at nearly two-years-old, suffered from learning disabilities.
His foster mother Audrey Hurst said: "For the past eight months his horrific murder has been with us night and day. The total disbelief of it all will take a long time to sink in, if ever."
Det Supt Kevin Hardy said he had no idea what made the three teenagers kill Mr Hurst.

This song is about Terry Hurst who was Oli's friend and people murdered him

A teenage churchgoer was found with a 5ft agricultural scythe embedded in his skull after being killed by three friends during a camping expedition.
Terry Hurst, 17, had more than 60 wounds to his head and torso when his body was discovered in a ditch at a moorland beauty spot.
A plastic bag had been pulled over his head and he had been attacked by all three with two scythes stolen from a nearby churchyard.
Two 17-year-old boys and a 16-year-old girl, who cannot be named because of their ages, admitted murder when they appeared at Sheffield Crown Court yesterday. They will be dealt with at a later date and face life sentences.
Police believe there was a "fall out" between Terry and the others. A farmer discovered his body near Broomhead Reservoir, the next day.
Det Supt Kevin Hardy, who led the inquiry, said after the hearing: "There is no evidence they were on drugs and although they had been drinking that evening it wasn't a large amount."
Terry had headed for a makeshift campsite as the others went to one of their homes and had a drink before taking the scythes from an outbuilding at Bolsterstone Church. All three, including the girl who was 15 at the time, were involved in the killing.
Mr Hardy said: "It is likely they had words, picked up the drink and scythes then murdered Terry. We don't know why. They haven't told us.
"It is very rare that three people of that age would go so far. It is totally horrific."
Terry, who had two brothers, lived with foster parents for several years but had just moved to accommodation for young people at Penistone, near Barnsley.
He was a student at Castle College, Sheffield, and was involved with the church. Det Insp Tom Whiteley, who worked on the investigation, said: "He was looked upon as a Good Samaritan."
One of the 17-year-olds was unemployed, lived with his adopted parents and sister, and had been involved in petty crime. The other, who lived alone and was on a cookery course, had also committed petty crimes.
The girl, who was not the girlfriend of any of the boys, lived with her parents and was a petty criminal

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